Monday 18 April 2011

Studying and school holidays ... they just don't mix!

One of the most difficult things I find to manage during my learning journey is the fact that my course runs back to back without any breaks.  One Study Period will end on the last day of the month and the next starts the very next day.  Having four Study Periods over the course of a year means that every unit I enrol in conflicts with a school holiday.  The units are 13 weeks long, but most finish during week 12.  I then lose 2 precious weeks over the school holidays, giving me just 10 weeks of uninterrupted study time.  This means I somehow have to find ways to study around the kids.  At the moment I'm completing this blog while my children watch Ben 10 reruns instead of having quality mummy time.  It also means assignments get rushed, I work late into the night and generally feel guilty all round.  There are of course ways around this ... overnight trips to nana and pa's, reciprocal babysitting arrangements, locking myself in the study over the weekend while my husband is home etc etc.  All these things help, but at the end of the day, sometimes it feels like life is going on without me while I keep my nose to the grindstone.  The journey will be worth it in the end ... won't it?

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