Thursday 24 March 2011

A little info about my studies

I am studying the Bachelor of Education at Curtin University on-line through Open Universities Australia (OUA).  So far I have completed first year and am just beginning my first 2nd year subject Educating Students with Disabilities and am taking my first elective Web101.  This blog has being established as part of a Web Presence assignment for Web101.  Studying on-line, from the comfort of my own home, has made this degree flexible and convenient to me.  I can manage my studies around my children and plan to complete the degree when my youngest child begins school.  The idea of  becoming a 'real-life' teacher is frightening and exicting.  Questions I ask myself all the time are Can I do it?, Will I like it? Why am I putting myself through this?  The thing that gets me through though, is knowing that in the end it will be worth it.  Teaching WILL be an exiciting, challenging and rewarding career.

1 comment:

  1. Hi like me you are trying to balance study and family it's not easy but we will get there. I have never blogged before either so I know how you feel. Good Luck with it all
