Teaching Philosophy

I believe in educating the whole person, beyond academics and would like to assist my students in reaching their full potential; not just in the year that I teach them, but across their lives.
Role Models
By modeling myself as a compassionate, community minded, lifelong learner, I hope to encourage these traits in my students. A teacher is somebody that students should trust and respect. They should always be approachable and demonstrate their love for the profession.
Motivating and Challenging Students
Teachers should view themselves as facilitators of learning rather than a teacher of fact. I aim to arm my students with the ability to actively pursue their own knowledge. Students learn best and are motivated when presented with real world, hands on experiences. I will strive for the most interactive classroom I can achieve. I will always encourage students to question and explore. I would like to know what my students are interested in and bring as much of theirs interests into daily lessons as I can. When setting assignments and tasks, I will try to always address the Multiple Intelligences of learners.

Teachers should be able to present a lesson to the majority of students and then adapt it to individual needs. Teachers need to be able to identify individual strengths and weaknesses, give added assistance to those that are struggling and present challenges to those that are flourishing. At the same time, it is essential that teachers set high standards and clear expectations for all students and then help them to reach for the stars.

Teaching Style
Meaningful knowledge is achieved when learners construct their own knowledge, during social interaction and when engaged in real world tasks, thus I shall follow a constructivist approach to teaching.
I will also refer to Blooms Taxonomy when creating lesson plans to ensure that lessons go beyond a superficial exchange of facts, through conceptual and procedural knowledge and finally arrive at metacognitive knowledge. Understanding that students need to travel through these stages is important. Thus I shall assess where students sit on the learning continuum and design activities to assist them to reach the next level of understanding.

Timely and constructive feedback is essential in motivating students and should support future learning. Students need to know as soon as possible how they performed on tasks and where they need to improve. During feedback, students should be shown how to improve by setting individual goals wherever appropriate.
All children deserve a safe and nurturing learning environment, in which they are free to express their own opinions, ask questions and make mistakes. To create such an environment, students need to know what is expected of them and in turn what they can expect next. To instill this knowledge, routines and behavioral guidelines need to be established and openly discussed. This provides security and a sense of belonging. I will strive to establish a sense of community within my classroom. I will never ridicule or humiliate my students, not only would doing so undermine their motivation and self esteem, but would erode the trust that is essential between teacher and student.

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